$30 Million DUI Personal Injury Case In Iowa

A surprising face appeared in Iowa court as a witness earlier this month in the case of Cheryl Bronson. Bronson was the victim of a drunk driving accident and has suffered a number of injuries. Bronson also happens to be the aunt of Olympic gymnast and ‘Dancing With The Stars’ champion Shawn Johnson, who appeared in court as a witness for the plaintiff, her aunt.

Bronson was once a golfer, and an Iowa Women’s pool champion in 2008, and due to her injuries is no longer able to participate in either of those activities. The incident caused her to suffer multiple fractures to her leg and although she has healed, she has had significant changes in her life. Bronson must now walk with a limp, has trouble walking, and has even had to move to a single story home. In addition to this, Bronson has 3 more surgeries planned for her injured leg in the future.

Bronson’s Case

Bronson’s injuries stemmed from being struck by a drunk driver, Ryan Foley, who plead guilty to to OWI prior to Bronson’s civil action. Both Ryan Foley, and his father Thomas Foley, who owned the vehicle that Ryan was driving, were tried as a single defendant in Iowa court. Bronson sought both punitive and compensatory damages totaling at $30 million. For the plaintiff’s opening argument, Bronson’s attorney cited her loss of ability to engage in activities she once enjoyed, and the various ways that her injuries have interfered with both her basic every day living, and her overall enjoyment of life. In response, the defense asserted claims that Bronson no longer attends physical therapy, and does not currently use any pain medications. The defense also asserted that the Foley family had already offered to pay the extent of Bronson’s medical bills as well.

As the case went on Johnson testified to report on the decline of her aunt’s quality of life, citing that her aunt was unable to dance at her wedding, and the frequency of her aunt’s need for help. Johnson had gone on to say that her aunt was once “invincible” but now needed help from people.

Bronson’s case is still underway, and no verdict has been made yet.

Injury Claims That Follow A Criminal Case

Many times, injury claims are filed after a criminal case. In Bronson’s case, Ryan Foley had already made a guilty plea for an OWI, however, though he may have undergone the criminal justice process, Bronson’s injuries remained, and continued to interfere with her life. While criminal law brings individuals to justice for wrongs committed to the state, the practice of civil law exists for cases like Bronson’s. This can be especially common in cases where a drunk driver is responsible for a person’s injuries.

If you or a loved one has been injured in New Hampshire, contact the legal team at Tenn And Tenn today.