Salt and De-Icers Can Prevent Slips, But Only When Used Properly

Salt and de-icing chemicals can help prevent slips and falls in icy New Hampshire winters by removing slippery snow, ice, and sleet from sidewalks and steps. However, using these chemicals improperly not only prevents them from working but can also pollute local drinking water sources.

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) recommends keeping the following tips in mind when using salt or de-icing chemicals this winter.

  • Plow, shovel, or blow snow instead of waiting for salt or chemicals to “burn” it off. Remove as much snow as you can from walkways before applying any salt or de-icers.
  • Read labels carefully and use the proper salt or de-icing chemicals for weather conditions. Rock salt, for instance, will not work if the temperature is under 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Wetting salt with brine before applying it can help you spread it more evenly and prevent it from bouncing off paths or stairs. Read the directions on your salt or spreader for more information.
  • Some de-icers are designed to be applied before snow or ice accumulates. Pay attention to weather reports and use these ahead of time if appropriate. Applying them before a storm can reduce by up to 30 percent the amount you’ll need to clean a parking lot, walkway, or stairs. Try to time application so that maximum melting occurs before plows arrive.

New Hampshire property owners have a responsibility to protect visitors from hidden dangers or to warn them about the risks of a slip and fall. If you’ve been hurt in a slip and fall accident, the experienced New Hampshire premises liability attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. can help. For a free and confidential telephone consultation, call us today at (603) 614-5055.