New Hampshire May Set a Record Low for Highway Fatalities in 2011

New Hampshire may see a record low number of highway fatalities this year, according to a recent article in the Eagle-Tribune. The New Hampshire Highway Safety Authority, which keeps track of deaths and injuries on New Hampshire highways each year, notes that the state is currently seeing a much lower number of deadly auto accidents on highways than is typical for this time of year.

Currently, the Highway Safety Authority has recorded 69 deaths as of November 9, 2011. On the same date in 2010, the agency had recorded 116 deaths. Any total number of highway crash fatalities under 100 for 2011 will set a new record for highway safety in New Hampshire, according to the agency. The current record was set in 2009, with 100 deaths; 2010 saw a total of 128 lives lost on New Hampshire highways.

New Hampshire authorities recently released its“Commute With Care” campaign, which focuses on highway safety by targeting distracted drivers and those who speed during morning and evening rush hours. Law enforcement officials say the decrease in deaths is related to the increased enforcement efforts.

That New Hampshire is seeing fewer deaths in highway crashes is good news, but accidents can still cause serious injuries. If you or someone you love has been injured in a crash, you have certain legal rights. Call the experienced New Hampshire car accident injury attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today to discuss your options in a free telephone consultation. Our number is (603) 614-5055.