Summer NH Motorcyclist Riding Guidelines

If you are like most conscientious motorcyclists in New Hampshire, then you are constantly concerned with how to remain safe while enjoying the open road. In our previous blog post, we discussed some important safety tips to help prevent NH motorcycle accidents. Here are three more suggestions that should provide you with more ways to stay safe while riding your motorcycle.

  1. Motorcycle Maintenance – Part of a motorcyclist’s responsibility is to make sure that his or her bike is properly maintained. Motorcycle riding coaches suggest that riders should check their tires before each season and before each ride. A motorcycle’s braking, turning, and accelerating functions are highly dependent on the traction of both tires.
  2. Be Seen – Motorcyclists should wear bright and/or reflective clothing, such as jackets or vests when riding at night. It is important for riders to remember to stay out of the No-Zones of large trucks and should go to the lane that makes them more visible to other vehicles.
  3. Be Prepared – Even though the summer months present ideal riding weather for motorcyclists, the weather in New Hampshire can change in a matter of seconds. Motorcyclists should be ready with the appropriate equipment and gear to fit all hours and weather conditions. A motorcycle’s operation can be affected by humid or dry weather, rain, snow, as well as cord or warm temperatures.

The skilled New Hampshire motorcycle accident injuries lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. have seen first-hand how devastating a motorcycle crash can be for a motorcyclist. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a motorcycle accident due to another person’s negligence, our attorneys will aggressively work to protect your rights and help you obtain the compensation that you deserve. Contact the New Hampshire injury lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today for a free consultation by calling (603) 614-5055