Penalties for a New Hampshire DUI

Penalties for a DWI in New Hampshire can vary widely depending on the level of intoxication, whether it’s a first or subsequent offense, in addition to other factors.

Several DUI penalties depend on the level of intoxication, determined by the level of alcohol in the blood. For example, in New Hampshire, anyone with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 or higher is deemed to be intoxicated. No additional proof of intoxication is needed. Individuals under age 21 who have a BAC of .02 are considered to be intoxicated. In New Hampshire, individuals with a BAC of .16 or over will face greater penalties, such as extra time in jail or larger fines.

In New Hampshire, drivers whose BAC level is above the limit for intoxication or those who refuse to take a chemical test to determine intoxication will have their driver’s licenses suspended for at least six months, possibly more, depending on the outcome of their case. After a second offense, the license is suspended for three years and a third offense results in a five-year suspension.

In addition to license suspension, individuals who are found guilty of a DUI in New Hampshire can face a range of penalties. For a first offense, this may include a fine, jail time, and a mandatory drug or alcohol treatment program. For subsequent offenses, the penalties become more severe.

DUIs in New Hampshire can have serious consequences. If you or someone you know has been charged with a New Hampshire DUI, contact an experienced DUI defense attorney. A skilled lawyer will gather effective evidence and build the best defense possible to help protect the defendant’s rights. Contact the aggressive and knowledgeable New Hampshire DUI attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055