Man Charged With Drunk Driving in Salem after Failing Field Sobriety Test

Recently, a Salem man was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, according to local news outlet WMUR. Police officers pulled the man over after hearing that a similar car had been seen weaving on Route 28 shortly beforehand.

After pulling over the man’s car, police administered field sobriety tests. These tests are intended to demonstrate that someone is drunk or sober based on how well they can walk a straight line, balance on one leg, or perform other tasks. Based on the driver’s performance, police concluded he was driving while intoxicated and arrested him. The driver cooperated well with police both before and during his arrest. The man’s passenger, his granddaughter, was released into her parents’ custody.

Field sobriety tests in New Hampshire are designed to be difficult. Officers trained to give field sobriety tests are taught to look for many different “clues” in order to determine whether a person is drunk. Because the tests are complex and difficult, they are notoriously easy to fail, even sober. Failing a field sobriety test, however, can easily result in being arrested for DUI or DWI in New Hampshire. Being arrested or charged with DUI or DWI can result in life-changing consequences, even if you are innocent. This is especially true if you have a commercial drivers’ license or CDL.

If you have been charged with a DWI in New Hampshire, please call the experienced New Hampshire drunk driving defense lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today. Our attorneys have years of experience fighting on behalf of those accused of drunk driving, and we will strive to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. Call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055 for a free and confidential consultation.