Acrobatics Accident Lawsuit

A trip to the circus is typically a fun-filled and exciting time for friends and family of all ages. Animals, acrobats, clowns, and other acts offer delighting and sometimes frightening entertainment for circus-goers. Unfortunately for one evening of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus in Providence, RI, acrobatic performers performing death-defying stunts suffered serious injuries due to faulty equipment.

Equipment Failure When It Matters Most

The performance was known as the “human chandelier,” a breath-taking stunt involving performers hanging from a fixture that is suspended at the top of the tent. Naturally, the safety of the performers during this dangerous stunt relies on the dependability of their equipment. When the equipment holding up the performers is defective, only disaster can follow. The “human chandelier” relied on the strength of a metal carabiner to hold the act up. The performers in the middle of their act, high in the air, when disaster struck. The carabiner they were depending on snapped. To the audience’s horror, the stunt in front of them went horribly awry. When this device gave way, the performers fell close to 30 feet to the ground. The incident injured 8 performers, and seriously injured 3 of them. While all of the acrobats suffered severe injuries at the incident, some of them suffered permanent injuries that now limit their ability to continue to work as acrobats.

The Lawsuit

The performers have since filed a lawsuit against the manufacturers of the failed carabiner clip. The clip was rated and inspected to be able to hold up to 10,000 pounds. The performance itself had a combined weight of about 1,500 pounds of performers and equipment. The lawsuit operates on the theory of product liability, asserting that the defendants were negligent in all aspects of design, manufacturing, testing, and sale of the carabiner. The carabiner broke along the spine, not the gate (which is rated as able to hold less weight than the spine).

The damages sought out in the lawsuit are not specified, however, the lawsuit points out that the plaintiffs all suffered severe injuries, loss of earning capacity, and a significant accrual of medical expenses. the lawsuit demands a jury trial as well.

With any product liability case, it is important to follow the retail chain. Perhaps a product was properly designed, but was not manufactured or tested properly. Or in another case, suppose a product was sold, but the retailer had knowledge that the product was defective. By naming the entire chain as defendants, through the investigation and discovery phases of the lawsuit, the truth will come to light.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a product you believe is unsafe or defective, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact New Hampshire personal injury attorneys Tenn And Tenn for a free telephone consultation.