Breath Alcohol Tests May Report False Positives

If you are stopped for drunk driving in New Hampshire, a police officer may ask you to submit to a test to measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If you are inclined to submit to a test, a blood test may be a better choice for a more accurate result, as some breath tests for alcohol can easily produce a false positive read.

A “false positive” on a New Hampshire breath alcohol test occurs when the breath test machine reports that you have a level of alcohol in your breath when in fact you do not have alcohol in your system. A number of situations can cause a false positive result, or a result that is artificially high. These include:

  • Breathing that is either too heavy or too shallow.
  • Eating or drinking certain foods before the test.
  • Electronic interference from cell phones, police radios, and similar equipment.
  • Failing to test and re-calibrate the breath test machine regularly.
  • Using certain kinds of asthma inhalers before the test.
  • Vomiting, retching, or burping within 20 minutes of taking the test.

Although New Hampshire police are required to follow certain procedures to reduce the risk of a false positive result in a breath alcohol test, even using proper procedures can’t prevent every false positive. If you have been charged with a DUI or DWI in New Hampshire, you need aggressive representation from experienced attorneys. The New Hampshire drunk driving lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. will examine your case carefully and fight to win you the best possible outcome. For a free and confidential case evaluation, call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055.