Benefit Held for New Hampshire Trooper Injured in Motorcycle Accident

Friends and supporters of New Hampshire state trooper Tom Bolton held a fundraising benefit on his behalf on January 15, according to an article published in The Nashua Telegraph. ESPN/WGAM sports radio host Jim Censabella led the fundraiser’s events, which included live music, raffles, and auctions.

Trooper Tom Bolton was recently injured in a serious motorcycle accident. Although he is out of the hospital, his physicians have recommended additional spinal rehabilitation therapy. Bolton’s friends and supporters arranged the fundraiser to raise the money for Bolton’s therapy needs.

New Hampshire motorcycle accidents can cause serious injury, including traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. These injuries often have serious consequences, including loss of brain functions, paralysis, or loss of the ability to control movement. Treatment for these injuries can be expensive, and even the best treatment cannot always restore a person to a fully functional, pain-free life.

Most motorcyclists drive carefully, keeping in mind the risks of the road. Unfortunately, drivers of cars, trucks and other vehicles that share the road with motorcycles don’t always understand these risks. A driver’s failure to watch for motorcycles or to provide adequate space for a motorcycle to maneuver can result in serious injury or even death for those on motorcycles.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a New Hampshire motorcycle accident, please call the experienced New Hampshire motorcycle accident lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. We will examine your case carefully and help you understand your legal rights and options. To schedule a free and confidential consultation, call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055.