How the New Hampshire Field Sobriety Walk and Turn Test Supposedly IDs Drunk Drivers

A driver who is stopped by police may be asked to take one or more New Hampshire field sobriety tests if the police officer suspects the driver is impaired. One commonly-used field sobriety test is the “walk and turn” test.

In this test, the driver must take several steps down an imaginary or real line, placing the heel of each foot against the toes of the other, then turn around and take several steps back in the same direction.

While the driver is taking this test, the officer is looking for several clues that may reveal whether or not the driver is impaired by alcohol or under the influence of drugs. An officer may decide to arrest a driver for DUI or DWI if the officer sees that the driver:

  • Can’t keep his or her balance during the instructions;
  • Starts walking too soon;
  • Stops partway through the walk;
  • Doesn’t walk heel-to-toe;
  • Steps off the line;
  • Holds out his or her arms to balance;
  • Turns incorrectly or loses balance on the turn; and/or
  • Takes the wrong number of steps.

The walk-and-turn is a notoriously difficult test, even when one is completely sober. An aggressive defense from an experienced New Hampshire drunk driving attorney can put this test in its proper perspective for a court, thus helping you fight your DWI charge. Call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055 for a free consultation with an experienced DWI attorney.