Arrested for DWI on July 4th?

Celebrating our country’s independence is a national pastime. Baseball, backyard barbecues, pool parties, and spending time with friends and family. This celebration is also often accompanied by lots of alcohol and fireworks-a combination that can lead to undesirable results. And, with the volume of traffic, an unfortunate number of drivers may be impaired.

The 4th of July is a BIG BUST holiday for local and state law enforcement. It is a high point weekend for DUIs and DWIs committed by motorists all around the country. According to the National Traffic and Highway Administration, approximately 51% of all deadly traffic accidents during July 4th weekends are alcohol-related. The other 49% result from distracted driving and drug influence.

Starting today, police agencies all around New Hampshire will set up DWI roadblocks to ensure that drivers are not impaired by alcohol or drugs. Law enforcement will be on high alert by Friday evening and will continue with DWI patrols and saturation patrols through the weekend.

Under New Hampshire law, a DWI arrest can lead to incarceration, hefty fines, and loss of your driver’s license, not to mention alcohol education classes, an SR-22 insurance certificate, Ignition Interlock Device, and increased insurance premiums and a semi-permanent stamp on your driving record.

Help keep your friends and family safe this weekend– don’t let them drive after drinking alcohol.

If you are arrested for a DUI or DWI this weekend, it’s best that you seek legal help immediately. The NH DWI attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, PA are here to help.