Google Glass and Distracted Driving in NH

Texting while driving is against the law in New Hampshire. And recently the N.H. House passed a bill that would ban hand-held cell phones while driving. But what about Google Glass? For right now, there is no law in the state banning the use of the new wearable technology.

Google Glass are worn like eyeglasses, with a frame and a small glass in front of your eye, but they allow users to take pictures, ask for directions, and read emails all with a few winks and verbal commands. Think of it as a smartphone that you never have to tilt your head down to see. Everything that you would use your smartphone for can be done with Google Glass. They are not on the open market yet. For now Google is sending the technology to Google Explorers, people who have purchased them for $1500 to be part of the beta team.

But that’s what has some lawmakers worried. They have expressed concern that using these glasses while driving would constitute distracted driving and should be outlawed. As of right now, at least eight states have proposed laws that would make using Google Glass while driving illegal.

Just this week on NPR, critics from around the country weighed in saying the technology can be distracting and should not be worn when driving. But others argued that it is safer than looking down at your phone or GPS for directions or to take a call.

So what’s the law in New Hampshire? Well, there isn’t one. Perhaps there will be one in the future. But if you were hit by someone who was wearing Google Glass, the attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. would evaluate the entire situation and explore a negligence claim against the opposing driver. Distracted driving – or driving while texting – is against the law in New Hampshire, and we would explore whether the use of Google Glass would fall under that rule.

If you have sustained injuries caused by a distracted driver contact a skilled NH car accident injury lawyer today. Our lawyers will pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other related damages. The experienced injury attorneys at Tenn And Tenn have a successful track record of holding negligent drivers accountable for the damages they cause. If a negligent driver has harmed you or a loved one, call our offices today at 603-624-3700 for a no-cost consultation and a comprehensive case evaluation.