What to Do When a DWI Triggers Depression or Anxiety

Being arrested for DWI is a frightening, life-shaking event that may trigger depression or bouts of anxiety. You might have sleepless nights and distracted days where you obsess over the arrest and its potential personal and professional consequences. You may also become burdened by negative emotions such as guilt, shame, or self-hatred and become isolated from family and friends.What to Do When a DWI Triggers Depression or Anxiety

You don’t have to stay in this unhappy state, however. You can have a good, happy life after a DWI arrest. But you’ll need to be proactive about improving your frame of mind and getting your life back on track. Here are four essential actions to undertake when post-arrest blues have got you down.

1. Face your legal troubles head-on.

Some people react to legal troubles by burying their heads in the sand and wishing the problem away. Unfortunately, that will not help–and will probably stress you out further. You need to address the fallout from the arrest without flinching and as soon as possible. Your first priority should be finding a skilled and trustworthy criminal defense attorney to represent you. Your attorney can help keep you from dwelling on potential worst-case scenarios and ease your mind by helping you understand what to expect from the process, develop a strong defense, or negotiate a good plea.

2. Acknowledge your mistake.

Admitting that you made a mistake and forgiving yourself can breathe new life into your spirits. Some psychologists say that forgiving yourself may come easier if you acknowledge the mistake aloud (if only to yourself) and describe the lessons you’ve learned from the experience. But you must also commit to avoiding similar mistakes in the future.

3. Develop healthy habits.

It can be tempting to turn to unhealthy habits that offer temporary emotional comfort when negative emotions overburden you. But in the not-so-long run, attempting to chase away your sorrows in alcohol or narcotics, junk food, or other unhealthy practices will inevitably lead to more troubles. Instead, take control of your life by building a stronger, healthier you. Eat healthy foods and get ample exercise, even if it’s just a walk around your neighborhood or playing your favorite sport with friends.

4. Seek professional help.

If you are having trouble getting out of bed, going to work or school, seeing friends, or taking pleasure in your favorite activities, don’t hesitate to seek professional therapy. A therapist can offer advice, techniques, and guidance to help you find a healthy way out of your despair and move forward. If you have substance abuse issues that may have led to the DWI, a therapist can also direct you toward the resources you need to overcome this problem.


If you’ve been arrested for DWI, you need an experienced DWI attorney to fight for your rights. At Tenn And Tenn, P.A., our experienced New Hampshire family law attorneys can help guide you through the process and protect your rights. Give us a call at (603) 614-5055 or contact us online for a consultation.