6th Annual NH PGR Charity Ride Coming Up: How to Have Fun and Stay Safe

The New Hampshire Patriot Guard Riders 6th annual event is happening on May 18th. It is a charity ride for NH veterans and first responders. Registration opens at 8:00 AM at the Heritage Harley-Davidson center in6th Annual NH PGR Charity Ride Coming Up: How to Have Fun and Stay Safe Concord. To ride, it is $25, and to be a passenger, it is $15. There will be food and prizes and fun for everyone. But like all motorcycle rides in groups, there are some precautions you should take for safety.

The New Hampshire Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. have compiled these helpful tips so that everyone can enjoy the event safely:


Riding in groups has the benefit of getting noticed by other vehicles on the road, so they are more likely to stay alert and pay attention to your whereabouts. Riding in groups, however, does pose some dangers, so it is important to keep in mind some safety tips.

Tip No. 1: Wear a helmet.

In New Hampshire, you do not have to wear a helmet. But helmets save lives – it’s a fact. It’s nice to have the freedom to choose, but choosing safety first is a priority.

Tip No. 2: Make sure your bike is ready for the ride.

It’s springtime, so hopefully, you have done a little “spring cleaning” and had your bike maintenance. If not, before you start riding regularly, but especially before you do in groups – get your bike checked and make sure everything is in good working condition.

Tip No. 3:  The more experienced riders ride in the front.

If there are a few more experienced riders, then let them ride in the front of the group. They can make speed adjustment and the like according to the circumstances and environment. In a ride like an annual charity event, it may be harder to identify the more experienced riders, so once on the road, try to get a feel for it, and then position yourself accordingly.

Tip No 4: Go as fast as you are comfortable with.

This tip flows from the last tip and is just plain common sense. You don’t need to keep up with others if you don’t want to, and that said – if within the speed limit – you can go faster if you feel comfortable doing so. Stay at your comfort zone and not someone else’s comfort zone.

Tip No. 5: Give yourself plenty of wiggle room between you and the other riders.

You should generally follow the two-second rule with the person in front of and behind you unless you are riding a staggered. You want the ability to maneuver if you need to do so quickly, and if someone is riding in your space, that could mean disaster.

Tip No. 6: Know when to ride single file.

There are circumstances you should ride single file, and, thus, reason why the more experienced riders should be in the front so they can dictate when to do so. Single file is particularly important on curves, rough roads, and bad weather.

Motorcycle accidents increase during this time of year, mostly because there are simply more people getting on their bikes in warmer weather. There are also hazardous roads in New Hampshire, so it is important to stay alert and be mindful of your surroundings.

If you will be participating in the Sixth Annual NH PGR Charity Ride, enjoy and stay safe.