Can COVID-Related Neurological Damage Cause Slip & Falls and Car Accidents

Since the world began tracking COVID-19 cases, there have been nearly 168 million cases worldwide and more than 33 million cases in the United States. Although the long-term consequences of COVID-19 infection are still unfolding, some of the effects came into play as early as last summer, when experts predicted that as many as 1 in 3 patients could experience neurological after-effects of the disease.



Beyond lung damage, this is perhaps the most concerning long-term effect. Although scientists are undecided on whether COVID-19 attacks the brain itself, the evidence clearly points to the ongoing potential results: increased fatigue, sleep disorders, gait challenges, loss of vision, and tingling/numbness in limbs. And, the prediction from last August has proven to be prescient and accurate by several longitudinal studies. “The survivors displayed a wide array of neurological symptoms: fatigue, from memory and attention issues to sleep disorders, myalgias followed by depression/anxiety, visual disturbances, tremors, and anosmia, the loss of the sense of smell.”

Additionally, there have been increased instances of neurological disorders, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, developing “in the wake” of COVID-19 infections. Guillain-Barré syndrome affects the peripheral nervous system and can lead to increased muscle weakness, breathing, numbness, and walking.

While some of these symptoms and disorders do not directly impact slip and fall accidents or car accidents, it is clear that many of them do have a clear link to driving or walking—the underlying activities for car and slip and fall accidents. For example, if motor functions are reduced, it might be easier to slip and fall or miss seeing an item if your vision is impaired. Therefore, the neurological damage does increase your risk of slip and fall accidents.

2011 study explored the link between driving and neurological symptoms and disorders. The study reiterates the criticalness of neurological function, stating, “To effectively drive an automobile, a number of neurologic systems must be intact. These include higher cognitive functioning, vision, motor control, intact coordination, and an ability to maintain attention. Any functional impairment in any of these domains can potentially lead to unsafe driving.” It makes sense then that any neurological damage, whether due to COVID-19 or other factors, could make you more likely to experience car accidents.


If you’ve experienced a slip and fall injury or a car accident, you deserve compensation for your time and injury, especially if it’s due to the negligence of another party. Contact Tenn And Tenn, P.A. attorneys today for help by calling 1-888-511-1010 for your free consultation or reaching out online.