Motorcycles & Rain: What to Know

Motorcycles and rainy weather are not always the best combination, especially for inexperienced riders. We get a lot of rain this time of year, including the sudden and unexpected thunderstorm, so it is important to keep a few things in mind to help you stay safe on the road and prevent a motorcycle accident. Here are a few things you should know about rain and motorcycles.


Keep handy at home a waterproof rain suit, gloves, and boots – all meant for riding in the rain. There are a lot of options, so make sure what you choose is comfortable and won’t restrict your movement while on your bike.

Wear your gear if you need to go somewhere and you know there is the chance of rain. Staying dry under the rain gear can aid in comfort and help you keep your mind on the road and your surroundings and not your soaked clothing.


As a motorcyclist, you know or should at least, that you need to pay attention and take extra cautions at intersections and curves or be on the watch for things like potholes. These can be danger zones for riders, and they are made worse by rain.

For example, vehicles may take longer to stop in rain and have the potential to slip, whereby a motorist can easily lose control of his or her vehicle and strike a motorcyclist. A pothole may be harder to see in the rain, and its depth may not be noticeable if filled with water, causing a rider to mistakenly hit a pothole and crash.

Also, note that generally you won’t be able to break as hard or accelerate as fast as you usually do in dry conditions. Doing so in wet conditions can lead to crashes.


You will be amazed that even when it is raining, there will be a lane or area on the road that is dry or drier than other areas. Identify and ride on a dry line. Drier roads make for better traction and maneuverability, which you need more so on rainy days than on sunny days.


You need to ride each day on your motorcycle as though the motorist in the vehicle beside you, in front of you, and behind you does not see you. This is even truer on rainy days. It is darker; it is murkier; it is mistier; and it is ripe for collisions. You need to take safety into your own hands. Be alert and drive more defensively than you normally would. Keep your distance from other vehicles and avoid careening in and out of traffic. And wear your helmet.

It may make you nervous at first to ride in rain, but after some practice, you will see that riding in the rain can be safe and satisfying. If the unfortunate happens, then always seek medical attention first and then, if the situation demands it, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer to discuss the possibility of filing a claim or lawsuit.