NH Motor Speedway Accident Disables Volunteer

The Concord Monitor recently ran an article about a man who suffered life-altering injuries while volunteering at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. The male volunteer of Wilder, Vermont was volunteering at the racetrack in July of 2006 when he was thrown from the back of a golf cart being driven by a track employee, who swerved while driving too quickly on the track. The man proceeded to fall from the back of the golf cart and hit his head on the pavement.

The injured volunteer was rushed to Concord Hospital where he underwent brain surgery to curb the effects of the head trauma that he sustained as a result of the fall. Though the surgery helped repair the damage, the man is still disabled as a result of the NH brain injury, unable to take care of himself for extended periods of time.

The man injured in this incident had been working as a volunteer during the NASCAR event in exchange for a donation that was going to be made to the charity of his choice, in this case, Fishin’ for Kids, a nonprofit organization that raises money for children’s charities.

He is currently suing the racetrack and others for damages resulting from their negligence and is seeking damages for medical bills, loss of income, and a debilitating way of life. The injured man initially attempted to file a workers’ compensation claim against the New Hampshire Motor Speedway, but the New Hampshire Supreme Court declared that he was not eligible for compensation because he was not a paid employee of the speedway.

Regardless of whether or not the man was a paid employee, one would think that the speedway would have provided a safe working environment and/or stipulations that could have prevented injury from befalling its volunteers. If you’ve been injured in an accident, and you believe that premises liability may have played any sort of role in causing it, please don’t hesitate to call the personal injury lawyers in New Hampshire at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. Our skilled attorneys will examine every aspect of your case, and will ensure that your rights are upheld in a court of law. If your injuries resulted from the negligence of any kind, our knowledgeable attorneys will get you the compensation you deserve. Please call us today at (603) 614-5055 for a free consultation.