Bicycle Accidents & Injuries in NH

A Durham, NH man recently died of the injuries he sustained when his bicycle hit a car’s open door. 58-year-old John Kavanagh was not wearing a helmet as he rode his bicycle in a marked bicycle lane down Main Street in his hometown. Police told reporters that a legally parked driver opened his driver’s-side door and Kavanagh hit it, went over the door, and landed on the ground just in front of the car.

Kavanagh was initially taken to Wentworth Douglas Hospital and then to Mass General Hospital where he died. Police said Kavanagh suffered massive head trauma from the accident.

The summer may be winding down, but there will still be plenty of bikes on the road until the snow starts falling. Bicyclists have the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as vehicle drivers. They need to obey the laws and rules of the road, just as the police say Kavanagh was doing.

It’s most unfortunate when accidents happen. The most common accident a bicyclist has is with a motor vehicle. Some reminders as you head out on the road to enjoy the waning days of bicycle season.

Remember to wear a bicycle helmet. It’s not the law in New Hampshire to wear one – unless you’re under the age of 16 – but it is advisable. Helmets can protect against serious head and brain injuries.

Be aware of your surroundings and dress to be visible. Remember to use hand signals to signal your turns and when you’re stopping. At night you want to wear light-colored clothing, preferably something reflective, and make sure you have a working light on both the front and back of your bike.

Always ride with traffic. Riding against traffic can be dangerous, and when you’re riding with traffic, you are more visible to motorists.

Bicycle accidents can happen at any time. If you are injured in a crash while riding a bike, call on the New Hampshire bike accident lawyers at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. They will discuss your case and work with you to make sure victims get the compensation they need to recover from their injuries. To discuss your case with a member of our law team, call us at (603) 614-5055 for a free consultation.