Legal Blog

Which Motorcycle Parts Are Most Likely to Break and Cause Crashes?

You might be the most attentive motorcyclist in the world, but you could be heading for a crash if you don’t maintain your bike correctly. Motorcycles with broken, faulty, or worn-out parts can affect the smooth functioning of your bike, leaving you especially vulnerable to accidents and severe injury. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends that all bikers […]

Can You Get Divorced but Still Share a House or Another Major Asset in New Hampshire?

Can You Get Divorced but Still Share a House or Another Major Asset in New Hampshire?

In New Hampshire, a divorced couple can continue to share a house or another major asset. New Hampshire is an equitable distribution state. This means that the family court must equitably, though not necessarily equally, divide marital property and assets upon divorce. A divorcing couple can decide that sharing certain assets, such as a home […]

Can Simple Fender Benders and Low-Speed Crashes Be High-Value Personal Injury Cases?

You might not think minor fender benders in New Hampshire could result in a high-value lawsuit–but they can. Even a low-speed crash can give rise to painful, lingering injuries that demand extensive medical treatment, including long-term physical therapy, hospitalization, or surgery. Sometimes, a person may even become temporarily or permanently disabled and unable to work. […]

Four Social Media Mistakes that Can Wreck a Marriage

Four Social Media Mistakes that Can Wreck a Marriage

Social media may allow us to stay in touch with family and friends worldwide, but its downsides are legend when used recklessly. In particular, many married couples only realize the harmful effect these platforms can have on marriage once it’s too late. Research has shown a correlation between social media and unhappiness in marriage, including […]

Three Things to Do with Kids in New Hampshire During Spring

After you separate, you might feel a bit depressed because you spend less time with your kids. But springtime in New Hampshire allows you to make the most of your time with them. Our state has a range of fun, family-friendly activities that will ramp up the excitement of every visit and create memories that […]

Three Actions That Will Make Your Situation Worse After Getting Stopped for DUI in New Hampshire

Three Actions That Will Make Your Situation Worse After Getting Stopped for DUI in New Hampshire

Getting pulled over on suspicion of DUI is a heart-chilling experience. But if you don’t keep your wits, you could land in more trouble than anticipated. Even if you feel you were unfairly targeted or haven’t had a drop of alcohol, engaging in any of the following actions will complicate your situation and make your defense more […]

What Happens if You Have an Auto Accident But Only Have a Learner’s Permit?

New Hampshire is one of the few states that does not issue a learner’s permit. Instead, youth between 16 and 21 may apply for a “youth operators’ license,” which subjects them to specific regulations and conditions. However, even if a person with a youth operator’s license has an accident, they are subject to liability just […]

Motorcycle Helmets: What Injuries Can They Help Prevent?

Motorcycle Helmets: What Injuries Can They Help Prevent?

New Hampshire is one of three states that do not require motorcyclists to wear helmets. But just because you aren’t required to wear a helmet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. According to NHTSA 2020 statistics, 64 percent of New Hampshire motorcyclists who died from injuries sustained in a crash weren’t wearing helmets. Although numerous factors account for […]

Arrested for DWI When You’re a Senior Citizen: Special Concerns

Seniors are at particular risk of being arrested for DWI. Aging brings many changes to the body and mind that can amplify the effects of even a single glass of alcohol, leading you to drive impaired inadvertently. An arrest, while devastating for anyone, holds particular concerns for seniors. Here are some of the issues you […]

Will your DWI Arrest Mean You Lose Custody of Your Children?

After a DWI arrest, your mind is likely spinning, thinking of all of the damaging consequences that could arise from it. If you’re currently in a child custody dispute, the worry of losing custody of your kids may be at the top of the list. While a DWI arrest is certainly not to your advantage […]