Legal Blog

Commercial Drivers Face Stricter DWI Rules in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is known for its strict penalties for those convicted of DWI/DUI. If you are a commercial driver with a commercial drivers’ license (CDL), the DWI/DUI rules that apply to you are strict. New Hampshire Code Section 265-A:23 specifies that a driver’s license is automatically suspended if he or she is convicted of driving […]

New Hampshire DWI Charges and Your Job

As the Union Leader recently reported, New Hampshire’s former Liquor Commissioner was recently convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), resulting in $620 in fines and a suspended license. But the former Commissioner’s troubles began not with his conviction, but with the DWI charge. After the former commissioner was arrested for DWI in April, Governor John Lynch fired […]

Officer, Teen Driver Collide in Manchester Motorcycle Accident

A Manchester teenager rear-ended a police officer on a motorcycle recently, according to an article in the Union-Leader. The officer was preparing to make a right-hand turn when he was struck from behind by the eighteen-year-old driver at the intersection of Hazelton Avenue and Faith Lane. The teenage driver was not under the influence of alcohol […]

Should the United States Ban High-Performance Motorcycles?

A recent article about a proposed ban on so-called “high-risk motorcycles” in Quebec raises interesting questions about whether the United States would ever follow suit. Apparently, Quebec is looking to follow a French system which classifies motorcycles in seven tiers, taking age and experience into account. The proposed switch in system is supported by motorcycle accident statistics that show […]

Older Motorcycle Riders Are Increasing Motorcycle Death and Injury Rates

The number of older motorcycle riders is increasing the motorcycle fatality and injury rates, according to a recently released study reported in Researchers studied the records of over 60,000 motorcyclists involved in crashes between 1996 and 2005. The researchers found that between 1996 and 2005, the average age of motorcyclists involved in crashes increased from […]