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Safe Driving Practices to Follow Over the New Year Holiday

New Year’s Eve offers plenty of chances to celebrate both the memories of the past and the promise of good things to come. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous for those driving during the holiday. Increased traffic, snowy or icy roads, and the possibility of impaired drivers all make driving safely during New Year’s a […]

Social Networking Sites May Provide Evidence in Divorce Cases

More and more divorce cases include evidence that is taken from popular social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter, according to a recent article from MSNBC. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 81 percent of AAML members have handled a case in which messages taken from social networking sites were used as […]

New Hampshire DWI: What is an Administrative License Suspension Hearing?

If you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) in New Hampshire, you may face an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearing in addition to a criminal charge. New Hampshire law requires that the DMV suspend your driver’s license if you refuse to have your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tested; if […]

What Happens to Property in a New Hampshire Divorce?

One of the most important steps during any divorce proceedings is deciding who will receive what. In order to decide how to split up a couple’s property, New Hampshire courts use an “equitable distribution” rule. In equitable distribution, the court does not merely split the property equally; instead, the court attempts to determine what division […]

Motorcycle Safety Gear Can Help Riders Avoid Serious Injury

Drivers of cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles should always be on the lookout for motorcycles. Unfortunately, motorists don’t always notice bikes on the road until it’s too late to avoid a collision. However, if a motorcyclist chooses the right motorcycle safety gear, it can prevent an accident from turning into a tragedy, according to […]

How Blood and Urine Samples Are Tested for Alcohol

New Hampshire drivers give “implied consent” to a chemical test for alcohol in exchange for receiving a New Hampshire driver’s license. The chemical test is given if the driver is pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). Usually, a preliminary breath test is the first chemical test […]

National Transportation Safety Board Wants 50-State Helmet Laws

Due to the increase in motorcycle-related injuries and deaths since the late 1990s, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is now pushing for laws that require riders to wear helmets in all fifty U.S. states, reports The Concord Monitor. Although the number of other transportation accidents has gone down in the last decade, the number of […]