Category Archives: Tips

Who is Responsible if I’m Hit by a School Bus?

Who is Responsible if I’m Hit by a School Bus?

School is back in session, and big yellow school buses have returned to New Hampshire streets. Our state sees more than 2,600 school buses on our roads, transporting some 169,000 students annually. As one of the most heavily regulated vehicles, school bus transportation is estimated to be as much as 11 times safer than the […]

Are Lane-Splitting and Lane-Filtering Legal in New Hampshire?

Are Lane-Splitting and Lane-Filtering Legal in New Hampshire?

It’s not an infrequent occurrence on New Hampshire roads: motorcyclists pass between marked traffic lanes to zip ahead of other vehicles going in the same direction. When traffic moves slowly, this practice is known as “lane-splitting.” When vehicles are stopped altogether, it’s called “lane-filtering.” In either case, these practices are illegal in New Hampshire. If […]

Can You Be Arrested for Your Child or Spouse’s Crime?

Can You Be Arrested for Your Child or Spouse’s Crime?

If your spouse or child has been involved in a crime, you may worry that you could be held criminally liable for their offense. In New Hampshire, you generally cannot be held criminally responsible for another person’s crime except in particular circumstances. Here’s what you need to know. CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR ANOTHER’S CONDUCT Under New Hampshire […]

Reliving your Arrest Again and Again: How to Deal with the Psychological Trauma

Reliving your Arrest Again and Again: How to Deal with the Psychological Trauma

Getting arrested can be one of the most frightening experiences of your life. If the arrest involved police aggression or brutality, you might have genuinely feared for your life. But even though the arrest was non-aggressive, the thought of the potential impact the arrest had on your life could have left you shaking with fear […]

Co-Parenting Strategies: Tips for Successful Communication

Co-Parenting Strategies: Tips for Successful Communication

Co-parenting can be a challenging endeavor, especially when one or both parents are dealing with the aftermath of a criminal defense case. In these situations, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of the children and maintain open lines of communication with your co-parent. In this blog post, we will discuss five tips for successful co-parenting communication […]

Can You Get Divorced but Still Share a House or Another Major Asset in New Hampshire?

Can You Get Divorced but Still Share a House or Another Major Asset in New Hampshire?

In New Hampshire, a divorced couple can continue to share a house or another major asset. New Hampshire is an equitable distribution state. This means that the family court must equitably, though not necessarily equally, divide marital property and assets upon divorce. A divorcing couple can decide that sharing certain assets, such as a home […]

Four Social Media Mistakes that Can Wreck a Marriage

Four Social Media Mistakes that Can Wreck a Marriage

Social media may allow us to stay in touch with family and friends worldwide, but its downsides are legend when used recklessly. In particular, many married couples only realize the harmful effect these platforms can have on marriage once it’s too late. Research has shown a correlation between social media and unhappiness in marriage, including […]

Three Things to Do with Kids in New Hampshire During Spring

After you separate, you might feel a bit depressed because you spend less time with your kids. But springtime in New Hampshire allows you to make the most of your time with them. Our state has a range of fun, family-friendly activities that will ramp up the excitement of every visit and create memories that […]

Three Actions That Will Make Your Situation Worse After Getting Stopped for DUI in New Hampshire

Three Actions That Will Make Your Situation Worse After Getting Stopped for DUI in New Hampshire

Getting pulled over on suspicion of DUI is a heart-chilling experience. But if you don’t keep your wits, you could land in more trouble than anticipated. Even if you feel you were unfairly targeted or haven’t had a drop of alcohol, engaging in any of the following actions will complicate your situation and make your defense more […]