Freight Train Derails in Claremont, No Injuries Reported

Luckily, no cars were at the intersection of Mulberry and Pleasant streets in Claremont on the morning of October 22 when a freight train derailed, spilling some of its load into the roadway. The train’s crew also escaped injury.

According to the Union-Leader, the train stopped in Claremont so a railroad company employee could unload some of the salt the train carried. While unloading, one of the train’s cars shifted sideways and tipped, coming off the tracks. Some of the salt left in the car spilled onto the roadway. The only person in the area was a railroad employee who wasn’t hurt.

Train cars may derail for a number of reasons, according to the Federal Railroad Administration. Although a train car tipping due to an imbalance or shifting load is rare, it has been known to occur. Claremont firefighters remained at the scene until a crane came to tip the train car back onto the tracks.

Train accidents pose particularly high risks for pedestrians, car occupants, and motorcyclists. Due to their size, weight, and momentum, trains can do severe damage to a motor vehicle or person. The risk of severe injury or death is much higher for people involved in train crashes than for those involved in crashes with other cars.

If you or someone you love has been in a New Hampshire motor vehicle accident, please don’t hesitate to contact the experienced New Hampshire personal injury attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. Call (603) 614-5055 today for a free and confidential consultation.