Motorcycles and New Hampshire Winters: Store or Ride?

When winter comes, New Hampshire motorcyclists have two choices: pack up the bike until spring, or prepare it for winter riding. Although sticking to your car or truck in winter is the safer option, both winter riding and winter storage can pose motorcycle safety issues if they’re not done correctly, according to an article in Motorcycle Safety News.

Storage. Before storing your motorcycle for the winter, clean it inside and out to prevent rust and corrosion from damaging the engine, brake cables, or other bike parts. Remove and clean the battery and store it off the floor in a temperature-controlled, dry location. Store your motorcycle with the tires off the ground to prevent them from developing flat spots.

Riding. You should never attempt a winter ride when the roads are snowy, icy, or wet. Motorcycle tires are not designed to give proper traction in these conditions, so your chance of a crash increases dramatically. Only ride in winter on clean, dry roads, and make sure you’ve prepped your motorcycle and your own gear first.

Bikes for winter riding should have windscreens and wind-blocking fairing to help protect you from wind chill. Heated grips and electrically-heated clothing can also help keep you warm, but check electrical connections carefully and follow all safety instructions when using these.

Drive with extra care in the winter. You get less traction on cold roads than on warm ones, even when the weather is dry. Before heading out, read up on winter riding so you know what to expect, and consider practicing in an empty parking lot or taking a safety course before hitting the public streets.

Finally, if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, call the experienced New Hampshire motorcycle accident attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. to discuss your legal rights and options. We’re available for a free telephone consultation at (603) 614-5055.