New Hampshire Bill Would Provide Equal Custody in Divorce Cases

A bill currently working its way through the New Hampshire legislature would give each parent an equal share of custody in most divorce cases, according to a recent article posted by Seacoast Online.

The bill, known as HB 591, would require courts to begin with the presumption that child custody in NH should be shared equally between two parents. However, courts may make different arrangements if one parent does not want custody or if situations in a parent’s home, such as abuse or neglect, mean that spending equal time with that parent would not be in the child’s best interest. In most situations, however, parents would be expected to work out a fifty-fifty child custody-sharing arrangement or follow the arrangement set up by the court if they cannot agree themselves.

Supporters of the bill also point out that it will save divorcing couples and taxpayers time and money, since receiving equal custody will prevent many parents from fighting for such an arrangement in court. Currently, judges have great discretion to arrange custody according to the children’s best interests, especially if the parents cannot agree on an arrangement.

Parents facing divorce in New Hampshire need the support of an experienced divorce attorney to ensure they receive the best possible outcomes for themselves and their children. At Tenn And Tenn, P.A., our experienced New Hampshire divorce attorneys are dedicated to helping you sort out custody issues, support, and more, so that you can move forward with your new life. For a free and confidential telephone consultation, call us today at (603) 614-5055.