New Hampshire Dog Bite Lawyers

With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

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    New Hampshire Dog Bite Lawyers

    With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

    Do You Need Legal Help?

      New Hampshire Dog Bite Lawyers

      With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

      Do You Need Legal Help?

        Millions in Verdicts & Settlements

        The attorneys at Tenn And Tenn are ready to help you solve your legal problems and obtain results.


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        See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

        Attorney John Tenn and his entire team are amazing people! If you need a lawyer, he is the man to call! He handled my case in a professional matter and took the stress out of it all.

        Mallory C.

        The whole team were very professional and responsive. My case was effectively handled with good communication during the process. Very satisfied with the outcome. Highly recommend!

        A. McMillan

        I was recently in need of a New Hampshire lawyer. I was put in touch with John Tenn. He went above and beyond for me to make sure I got the best help. Tenn and Tenn thank you for being so helpful!

        Brianna R.

        James J Tenn Jr

        James J. Tenn, Jr.

        Mayre Tenn

        Mary Elizabeth Tenn

        John Tenn

        John J. Tenn

        Working hard to obtain the best results possible for our clients and fighting to protect their rights.

        7 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Your New Hampshire Personal Injury Claim

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        New Hampshire Dog Bite Lawyers

        If you’re here, you may be seeking guidance on what to do after experiencing a dog bite incident in New Hampshire. At Tenn And Tenn, PA, our New Hampshire dog bite lawyers understand the confusion and concern you may be feeling. We’re here to assure you that you’re not alone in this situation.

        The Scope of Dog Bites in New Hampshire

        Dog bites are unfortunately common occurrences across the United States, and New Hampshire is no exception. According to the CDC, approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur annually in the U.S. That’s nearly one bite every seven seconds. Of these incidents, about 800,000 require medical attention, highlighting the serious nature of dog bites.

        Steps to Take Immediately After a Dog Bite

        After suffering a dog bite, your first priority should be your health and safety. Seek medical attention promptly, even if the wound appears minor. Dog bites can lead to infections and other complications that may not be immediately apparent.

        Legal Considerations in New Hampshire

        In New Hampshire, dog owners are held liable for injuries caused by their pets under certain circumstances. Whether the dog has shown aggressive behavior in the past or the owner was negligent in controlling their pet, you may have grounds for a legal claim.

        Why You Shouldn’t Speak to Insurance Companies Alone

        It’s crucial to avoid discussing your case with insurance companies, including your own, without legal representation. Insurance adjusters may try to settle quickly and for less than you deserve. At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we offer free consultations to review your case and provide guidance on the best course of action.

        How We Can Help

        Once you choose to work with Tenn And Tenn, PA, we will begin working on your case immediately. Our dedicated New Hampshire dog bite lawyers will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the legal process. We are committed to achieving full and fair compensation for your injuries, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

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        Common Mistakes After Suffering a Dog Bite in New Hampshire

        If you’ve been bitten by a dog in New Hampshire, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that could affect your ability to receive fair compensation for your injuries. At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we’ve seen how these missteps can impact a person’s claim.

        Not Seeking Immediate Medical Treatment

        One of the biggest mistakes you can make after a dog bite is failing to seek prompt medical attention. Even if the wound seems minor, dog bites can lead to infections and other complications. By delaying treatment, you not only risk your health but also weaken your claim for compensation.

        Not Following Doctor’s Orders or Skipping Treatments

        Once you’ve received medical attention, it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s recommendations diligently. This includes attending follow-up appointments, taking prescribed medications, and completing any recommended treatments or therapies. Failing to do so can not only prolong your recovery but may also give the impression that your injuries are not serious.

        Speaking to the Insurance Company Without Legal Representation

        It’s common for insurance companies to contact dog bite victims soon after the incident. They may seem friendly and concerned about your well-being, but their primary goal is to settle your claim quickly and for as little money as possible. Without legal representation, you may unknowingly say something that could harm your case or accept a settlement that doesn’t fully cover your damages.

        Hiring a Lawyer Who Isn’t a Trial Attorney

        Insurance companies are well aware of which lawyers are willing to take cases to trial and which prefer to settle quickly. Choosing a lawyer who isn’t experienced in litigation or trial practice may weaken your negotiating position. At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we are trial attorneys who are prepared to fight for your rights in court if necessary.

        How Tenn And Tenn, PA Can Help

        If you have questions about your dog bite claim in New Hampshire, Tenn And Tenn, PA is here to provide the guidance and support you need. Our experienced New Hampshire dog bite lawyers understand the complexities of dog bite cases and can help you navigate the legal process from start to finish.

        Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bites in New Hampshire

        After a dog bite in New Hampshire, your first priority should be your health and safety. Seek medical attention promptly, even if the wound seems minor. Document the incident by taking photos of your injuries and the location where the bite occurred. Obtain the dog owner’s contact information if possible, and gather any witnesses’ names and contact details. It’s also advisable to report the incident to local animal control or law enforcement.

        In New Hampshire, dog owners can be held liable for injuries caused by their pets if it can be proven that the owner was negligent or that the dog has a history of aggression. If you’ve been bitten, it’s essential to consult with a knowledgeable attorney who understands dog bite laws in New Hampshire. They can evaluate the circumstances of your case and advise you on whether you have grounds for a legal claim.

        It’s crucial to avoid discussing your case with the dog owner’s insurance company without legal representation. Insurance adjusters may try to settle your claim quickly and for less than you deserve. By hiring an experienced attorney, you ensure that your rights are protected and that you have someone advocating on your behalf to negotiate a fair settlement.

        If you have a successful dog bite claim in New Hampshire, you may be entitled to various types of compensation. This can include medical expenses related to treating your injuries, future medical costs, lost wages if you are unable to work during your recovery, pain and suffering, and in some cases, punitive damages if the dog owner’s conduct was particularly egregious.

        In New Hampshire, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including dog bites, is generally three years from the date of the injury. It’s essential to act promptly and consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure your claim is filed within the applicable time frame.

        New Hampshire follows a modified comparative negligence rule, meaning your compensation could be reduced if it’s determined that your actions contributed to the dog bite. However, provocation is a specific legal defense that requires evidence. An experienced attorney can help challenge such claims and protect your rights.

        At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we have extensive experience handling dog bite cases in New Hampshire. Our attorneys can provide personalized legal advice, investigate the circumstances of your case, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and if necessary, represent you in court to pursue the compensation you deserve.

        New Hampshire Dog Bite Client Story

        This client story is for educational purposes only.

        A warm breeze carried through the open window of Lauren’s kitchen as she juggled dishes and her son, Tyler’s, endless energy. Tyler, a curious and spirited six-year-old, loved exploring their neighborhood park with their family dog, Max. One sunny afternoon, however, their usual walk turned into a nightmare when a neighbor’s dog, usually calm, suddenly lunged at Tyler.

        The incident left Tyler with deep wounds on his arm and a fear of dogs that shattered Lauren’s heart. In the midst of the chaos, Lauren knew she needed help navigating the legal process to ensure Tyler received the care and justice he deserved.

        That’s when she found John Tenn at Tenn And Tenn, PA. From their first meeting, Lauren felt a sense of relief. John listened intently to her story, showing genuine empathy for Tyler’s trauma and understanding of the complexities of dog bite cases in New Hampshire.

        With John by her side, Lauren felt empowered. He patiently explained each step of the legal process and meticulously gathered evidence to build a strong case. Lauren never felt alone; John and his team kept her informed at every turn, answering her questions promptly and easing her worries.

        As they worked tirelessly on Tyler’s behalf, John’s dedication became evident. His experience negotiating with insurance companies ensured that Tyler’s medical expenses were covered, including future treatments for his emotional recovery. John fought fiercely to secure compensation for Tyler’s pain and suffering, knowing it would help him heal and move forward.

        Months later, as Tyler played in the park once more, Lauren reflected on their journey. She was grateful for John Tenn and Tenn And Tenn, PA, for not only being caring guides through a difficult time. Their commitment to justice and compassion for families like hers made all the difference.

        For anyone facing a similar situation in New Hampshire, Lauren would confidently recommend Tenn And Tenn, PA. Their dedication to their clients and their experience in dog bite cases can bring the same peace of mind and successful results she and Tyler experienced.

        If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog in New Hampshire, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Tenn And Tenn, PA. We understand the challenges you may be facing and are here to help you through this difficult time.

        Free Consultation

        We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your dog bite claim. During this meeting, you can share your story with us, ask any questions you have, and learn about your legal options without any financial obligation.

        Contingency Fee Basis

        At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we work on a contingency fee basis for dog bite cases. This means you won’t owe us any money unless we successfully resolve your claim. Our fee is contingent upon securing compensation for you, ensuring that you can focus on your recovery without worrying about legal fees.

        How We Can Help You

        Our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of New Hampshire’s dog bite laws and have successfully handled numerous cases like yours. We will advocate tirelessly on your behalf, pursuing the full and fair compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

        Contact Us Today

        Take the first step towards justice and healing by contacting Tenn And Tenn, PA today. Our compassionate New Hampshire dog bite lawyers are ready to listen to your story, provide personalized legal advice, and guide you through the legal process. Don’t delay — let us help you secure the compensation and peace of mind you deserve after a dog bite incident.

        Call us or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free consultation. We’re here to fight for your rights and support you every step of the way.

        Client Reviews

        The team of people who work for this firm are some of the most professional and personable individuals I have ever known. You can trust their knowledge and expertise. They are absolutely a five star organization.

        Nick L.

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