New Hampshire DWI Charges and Your Job

As the Union Leader recently reported, New Hampshire’s former Liquor Commissioner was recently convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), resulting in $620 in fines and a suspended license. But the former Commissioner’s troubles began not with his conviction, but with the DWI charge.

After the former commissioner was arrested for DWI in April, Governor John Lynch fired him, citing the arrest as the cause. Although the governor noted that those who are arrested on suspicion of a crime should be considered innocent until proven guilty, he said that the former liquor commissioner’s behavior was “simply unacceptable.”

The governor was particularly troubled by the former Commissioner’s unwillingness to submit to a breath test to determine his blood alcohol content (BAC) on the night of his arrest. New Hampshire law holds that anyone who receives a New Hampshire drivers’ license has given “implied consent” to law enforcement to obtain a breath or blood sample for testing when the driver is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Although the sentence given for a DWI conviction is supposed to represent the total punishment for driving while intoxicated, the fact remains that a person’s livelihood and their reputation may be jeopardized long before they appear in front of a court and merely because they are suspected of driving while intoxicated.

If you or a loved one are facing DWI charges in New Hampshire, the consequences of a wrongful DWI conviction can be significant. The help of an experienced New Hampshire drunk driving lawyer is invaluable to help protect yourself, your job, and your rights. The legal team at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. will fight to protect your rights while seeking the best possible outcome in your case. Call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055 for a free and confidential consultation.