New Hampshire DWI Road Blocks

The State of New Hampshire recently purchased a $500,000 DWI Mobile Command Center which it uses at DWI roadblocks throughout the State. The half-million dollar DWI Mobile Command Center was purchased to assist law enforcement in the rapid processing of individuals suspected of driving while impaired. In 2009, thousands of New Hampshire citizens will be stopped at police roadblocks and questioned. Approximately 99% of the citizens who are seized and subjected to questioning by the police in these roadblocks have committed no crime and have done nothing wrong to warrant being stopped.

New Hampshire police departments are receiving Federal grant money to conduct “sobriety checkpoints” or DWI roadblocks. New Hampshire law enforcement agencies argue that these DWI roadblocks serve the dual purpose of detection and deterrence and, that despite the low number of arrests that are produced at these roadblocks, they are an effective law enforcement tool in cracking down on impaired driving.

Unfortunately for New Hampshire citizens and visitors to our great State, the fact remains that DWI roadblocks net very few impaired drivers. In 2008, DWI roadblocks seized approximately 8,600 drivers and produced only 53 arrests for DWI. Comparing the low number of DWI arrests against the volumes of people stopped and detained at DWI roadblocks reveals the questionable effectiveness of the DWI roadblocks.

If you or a loved one is being charged with a DWI crime, do not hesitate to contact the New Hampshire DWI defense attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. Our lawyers will examine the circumstances surrounding your DWI and will provide you with the strongest defense possible. Please call us today for a free consultation at (603) 614-5055