Reliving your Arrest Again and Again: How to Deal with the Psychological Trauma

Getting arrested can be one of the most frightening experiences of your life. If the arrest involved police aggression or brutality, you might have genuinely feared for your life. But even though the arrest was non-aggressive, the thought of the potential impact the arrest had on your life could have left you shaking with fear and disbelief. Many people suffer debilitating nightmares, anxiety attacks, and flashbacks long after their arrest and can’t stop reliving the terror and stress of that day. If this sounds like you, here are three tips to help you move on.

TALK TO A THERAPISTReliving your Arrest Again and Again: How to Deal with the Psychological Trauma

A mental health professional is vital to overcoming this trauma. They can diagnose the precise nature of your problem, which may range from extreme anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), then help you process your fears and feelings. They may also teach you to use coping mechanisms such as deep breathing or meditation to handle moments of anxiety and fear at the memory of the arrest. However, remember that the therapist might be legally required to report certain illegal activities to the police.


If you can’t see a therapist, you may find peace and relief from fearful memories using certain deep breathing and meditation techniques. U.S. Navy SEALs use “box breathing” to calm and soothe their nervous system in tense and threatening situations. You can do this by breathing deeply through your nose for a slow count of four, holding your breath for another four counts, exhaling through your mouth for four counts, then holding your breath for four counts. You should continue this box-like pattern until you feel calmer. There is also a range of meditation apps that can help you relax and better handle stressful or scary thoughts.


Although a lawyer is not a mental health professional, they can help bring peace of mind regarding your arrest and case. Some of your fears may be based on anxiety about the legal consequence of the arrest. Your criminal defense lawyer can stop your mind from spinning out of control by helping you understand the issues you may face and those you won’t. Moreover, they can advise handling these issues in a way that makes you feel more in control and is likely to bring the best possible outcome for you.


If you have been arrested in New Hampshire, you need a skilled lawyer to represent your interests as soon as possible. Call the experienced criminal attorneys of Tenn And Tenn, P.A. at 1-888-511-1010 today or reach out online for your free consultation. We are ready to fight for your rights.