Snow On Your Car–Negligent Driving in NH.

Let it snow , let it snow, let it snow…….But don’t you dare drive with that snow on your car or truck or you could be facing a $1000 fine, a 30 day loss of License and a 6 point major moving violation conviction….all under a charge known as Negligent Driving. NH RSA 265-79-b, also known as “Jessica’s Law”, requires motorists to remove snow and ice from their vehicles.  Failure to do so can result in some hefty penalties and consequences.

Jessica’s Law was passed into law by the New Hampshire legislature in 2001 ( subsequently amended in 2005)  in response to the death of Jessica Smith, a 20 year old woman who was killed when snow and ice flew off the top of a large truck and hit a second truck, resulting in a head-on collision with Jessica’s car.

Negligent driving in NH-RSA 265-79-b.

265:79-b Negligent Driving. — Whoever upon any way drives a vehicle negligently or causes a vehicle to be driven negligently, as defined in RSA 626:2, I(d), or in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $250 nor more than $500 for a first offense and not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for a second or subsequent offense.

New Hampshire police departments enforce this law vigorously. When the forecast predicts a Nor’easter is headed to New Hampshire, you will most likely see news reports and public service announcements reminding motorists to clear off their cars before traveling. Failure to do so can result in a Citation or Summons being issued. And, if your failure to remove snow and ice from your cars results in a crash….you could be facing additional charges as well as civil liability.

At Tenn And Tenn, P.A., our Manchester Criminal Defense Lawyers have been helping motorist who have been charged with Negligent Driving, for many years. We understand that a loss of your license or ability to drive can create a major hardship.  The impact a conviction may have on your motor vehicle record is also of major concern as Negligent driving count towards habitual offender status.  Our legal team is ready to help you or a loved defend against  your Negligent driving charge or other major moving violation charges. We maintain a State wide trial practice and are here to help.

New Hampshire Criminal Defense Lawyers are Here to Help.

If you are facing a Negligent Driving charge in New Hampshire as a result of snow accumulating on your car, or for any other reason, call today for a free consultation with one of our lawyers. A Negligent Operation charge is a serious matter. In addition to mandatory fines, a Negligent Driving conviction is a “major” motor vehicle violation and counts towards becoming certified as a Habitual Offender.

Don’t hesitate to call with any motor vehicle related legal question. Our consultations are always free and confidential.Our telephone number is: 603-624-3700. Or feel free to contact us on line at Tenn And Tenn.