Speed Led to Manchester Motorcycle Injury Crash

A Manchester resident was seriously injured in a New Hampshire motorcycle crash recently, according to an article published in the Union-Leader. He was traveling at a high rate of speed when he crashed at the corner of Laxon Avenue and Eduardo Street. It appears he was trying to elude police officers when he crashed.

Officers appeared at the scene almost immediately after the motorcycle driver crashed and called emergency services, which transported the man to a local hospital to receive treatment for the serious injuries sustained in the New Hampshire motorcycle accident. Police officers reported that speed was a factor in the crash, but did not say whether intoxication or road conditions played a role in the motorcycle accident.

Traveling in urban areas at high speeds is never safe, and it is especially dangerous for motorcyclists. Motorcycle riders are less protected than motorists in cars. Motorcycle riders can help protect themselves from accidents by obeying posted speed limits. Drivers of cars and trucks can also help prevent serious motor vehicle collisions by following speed limits and by staying a safe distance away from motorcycle riders. This will allow a vehicle the distance it needs to stop in time if the motorcyclist should fall or crash.

If you or a loved one has been in a New Hampshire motorcycle accident, and you suspect someone else’s negligence is to blame, please contact an experienced New Hampshire motorcycle accident lawyer at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. Our skilled legal team will carefully review your case and help you take the next steps to secure your legal rights. Call Tenn And Tenn, P.A. today at (603) 614-5055 for a free consultation.