The Dangers of Road Rage and Who’s Responsible

We’ve all probably had this experience. You are out and about driving on a Granite State road, when suddenly there’s another vehicle behind you, and the driver of that vehicle is driving aggressively and following way too close for your comfort. Maybe they are in a hurry and impatient because you, the safety-first driver, are driving the speed limit. Or maybe they are just a jerk and they like intimidating other drivers while they are in their almost-monster-sized truck. You gently tap your brakes a few times to indicate that they need to back off, but this only makes them follow even closer. A quick glance into your rear-view mirror and you see that the driver is either waving their arms in frustration or giving you “the bird.”

Simple incidents like this can quickly escalate into serious provocations with harmful outcomes. In April 2019, two men driving along Route 4 in Grafton, New Hampshire got into some kind of altercation as they drove, which ended in a minor collision. Both men then got out of their cars and continued their argument, when finally one man pulled out a handgun and shot the other in the stomach. The man who was shot survived, and the trigger puller was charged with first-degree assault. An investigation into the gunman showed he has a history of road rage, including seven separate other road rage aggressions–four of which happened along the same Route 4 just weeks before he shot his victim.


There are several things you can do to avoid a road rage incident on New Hampshire’s highways and roads.

Control Your Own Stress. Make sure you are comfortable when you’re driving, and give yourself plenty of time to get to where you need to go so you don’t have to rush or speed. Also, realize that traffic is just traffic, and there’s not much you can do to avoid it if there is an accident ahead, etc. Take deep breaths and relax!

Be a Nice Driver. Obey the rules of the road, drive courteously, don’t tailgate, and don’t make rude hand gestures at other drivers. Try not to use your horn at all costs, because even a little honk to get someone’s attention at a stoplight can be construed as an act of aggression.

Avoid Conflict. If you notice an aggressive driver is following you or trying to engage you in some sort of conflict, first make sure your doors are locked and don’t make eye-contact with the driver. If you can use your blue-tooth device to call 911, report the aggressive driver and your location, otherwise try to get off the road to a safe parking lot or public space and stop and call the police.


If you are involved in a road rage incident that results in a collision (or worse), the police will investigate and determine who was the main aggressor. If you can show that you tried to avoid engaging with the other driver but they still pursued you, they will be charged.


If you were injured in a road rage incident on a New Hampshire road, you can file a claim to make the aggressor compensate you for your injuries, property damage, and any long-term medical care you might need. Contact Tenn And Tenn today at 888-511-1010 to learn how they can help you recover from your road rage accident.