The Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) In New Hampshire

A preliminary breath test (PBT) is a small handheld breath testing device used by police officers to determine whether or not to arrest a person for DUI. In New Hampshire, the PBT used is the Intoxilyzer S-D5. Typically, the PBT is administered following field sobriety tests. Based upon a motorist’s performance on field sobriety tests and the results of the PBT, a police officer makes a determination to arrest or release the driver.

This preliminary breath testing device employs fuel cell technology that is not specific for ethyl alcohol. Some foods, medication, and even non-alcoholic drinks may contain traces of alcohol which may produce a positive reading on the PBT. Moreover, the PBT cannot be adjusted for a person’s actual blood-to-breath ratio, body temperature, or gender. In addition, it does not have a “slope detector” to rule out errors caused by mouth alcohol and other interferents. And, when the AA batteries run low, results may vary. Despite its shortcoming, failure rate, and inherent errors, the PBT, it is used by police as a “screening” device when making their DUI arrest decisions.

If you or a loved one is being charged with a DUI crime, do not hesitate to contact the experienced New Hampshire DUI defense attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. Our lawyers will examine the circumstances surrounding your DUI and will provide you the strongest defense possible. Please call us today for a free consultation at (603) 614-5055