Tips for a Less Painful Divorce in New Hampshire

You get married and at that time, you genuinely believe it will last a lifetime. But it doesn’t always happen. People change. You grow. And you grow in opposite directions. It’s no one’s fault. It just happens, and now you are getting a divorce.

Divorce, however, doesn’t always have to be painful. You are adults. Act like it and things could go smoothly. Here are a few tips to keeping mind to help make your New Hampshire divorce less painful.


A good support network can help you both with the emotional part of the breakup as much as the nitty gritty part of the breakup. Your support network can help you identify what it is you want exactly. First and foremost, do you really want the divorce (if you are the one choosing it)?

Second, your network can help you understand what you need, want, and can let go – this will help you keep your focus and hold on to some clarity when your emotions go up and down.

Your support network can be close friends, family members, or even a therapist, but you also need a professional legal support team. Family and friends may have different viewpoints that may confuse you. A professional legal team consisting of a New Hampshire family law attorney can counsel you without the emotional confusion but with straight-forward, honest answers.


Marriage is a contract. Now, the contract is being terminated. By viewing your marriage in this light – e.g., a legal proceeding – you can create a distance between you, your emotions, and the divorce.

While your support team helps you process and control your emotions, you need to take care of business, too. Your assets will be divided according to the law. Your children, the product of this business, will be allotted time to each of you in accordance with the law. Almost every aspect of your divorce with have a legal counterpart.

By knowing the law or retaining an attorney who is experienced in New Hampshire divorces, you can ensure you work towards what you want out of the divorce by using the law effectively and to your advantage.


Knowing that life will go on after the divorce does not make the divorce easier but may make it less painful. The divorce is not the end of anything, but the beginning of something new. Having a positive outlook on the future can help you move forward faster with your divorce. Spouses who keep their feet in the mud, afraid to go anywhere, prolong the pain that does naturally accompany a divorce.

But times have changed. Divorce does not make you a social pariah. It is time to start living your life again.

Finding an experienced family law attorney in New Hampshire who can provide the guidance, support, and legal counsel you need is one of the best ways you can make your divorce less painful. When clarity and knowledge are gained, pain and confusion are lost.

Contact a knowledgeable, resourceful divorce attorney in New Hampshire if you you are considering or going through a divorce.