Tips for Divorcing Your High School Sweetheart

Marrying your high school sweetheart sounds like a romantic fairytale. You’ve shared so many firsts: your first steps into adulthood, your first home, and maybe even your first kiss. Unfortunately, the reality isn’t quite as idyllic. The divorce rate for high school sweethearts is 54 percent during the first ten years of marriage.

This high divorce rate isn’t entirely surprising. Neither of you is the same person that you were in high school. You’ve both grown, gained more life experience, and changed over time. But your respective changes are not always compatible.

If you are divorcing your high school sweetheart, you will face special emotional challenges. Here’s how to get through this challenging time.

RALLY SUPPORTTips for Divorcing Your High School Sweetheart

One of the most difficult aspects of divorcing your childhood sweetheart is feeling a sense of isolation. You’ve probably been with your ex for part of your childhood and all of your adult life. Upon divorce, you must figure out how to be an adult on your own for the first time. But you don’t have to be all alone. Developing a strong support system at the outset can make the other aspects of divorce a little easier. Keep communication lines with supportive friends and family members open. Join a divorce support group, whether online or in-person, to discuss common issues, learn from the experiences of others, and feel a sense of community.


Many people who married their childhood sweetheart have to face unhelpful comments from people who “knew” that they were too young/too immature/too inexperienced to marry. However, remember that marriages can dissolve at any age for various reasons. Look forward, not back.


When you’ve only been with one person for a long time, the idea of entering another relationship may be intimidating. You will start another relationship when you feel ready, but in the meantime, try to discover what makes this new you happy. Is there something you wanted to learn or achieve that your marriage inhibited for some reason? What kind of self-care would make you feel pampered and healthy? Now’s the perfect time to learn to be your own best friend.


If you’ve divorcing your childhood sweetheart, you need experienced and compassionate legal counsel. Contact the experienced attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, P.A. We help families all over the state move on with their life: Manchester, Concord, Nashua, Bedford, Derry, and beyond. Call 1-888-511-1010 for a consultation today, or reach out online.