What Happens When an Accident is Caused by a Dangerous and Defective Road?

Whether it’s for business or for pleasure, thousands of motorists drive through the Granite State every year. From commuting to and from work or just taking a scenic drive in the mountains, drivers make good use of the 16,000 plus public roads found in New Hampshire. But what happens if you are involved in an accident that is caused by a dangerous or defective road? How do you seek compensation for your wrecked car or any injuries you might sustain?

New Hampshire has 16,125 of public roads, 225 miles of which are interstate highways and 52 miles are non-interstate turnpike highways. In 2017, the New Hampshire section of American Society of Civil Engineers graded the state roads as a C- or mediocre in its annual infrastructure report card. Common issues with New Hampshire roadways include the following:

  • Potholes
  • Cracks and weather damages
  • Blind corners
  • Obstructed or outdated road signage
  • Overgrown foliage
  • Poor lighting
  • Construction.

Compounding these everyday roadway nuisances is the weather. Our New Hampshire winters are notorious for snow, ice, and sleet, all of which can make even the safest driver lose control over the vehicle if traveling through one of these hazards unexpectedly.

New Hampshire is also home to 3,846 bridges, and in 2018, 270 of those were deemed to be structurally deficient by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association. There have also been reports of issues with guardrails, especially the type of endplates used on guardrails. In some cases, these endplates have caused more damage and harm to the drivers they were supposed to protect.

So with so many problems on our roads in New Hampshire, what happens when an accidents occurs due to one of these problems? Another driver is not at fault for the accident. You are not at fault for the accident. But a state agency may be at fault. If so, you may be able to file a claim for compensation, but the rules are strict. Only an experienced personal injury and car accident attorney can help you navigate these rules. Other times, it may simply be an “act of God” and in those cases, your own insurance policy may cover the accident and the associated expenses. You would have to check the terms of your policy regarding it.


Defective or dangerous roads can seriously hurt or even kill motorists who drive on them. If you were in an accident that was caused by a dangerous or defective roadway, an experienced personal injury attorney will help determine exactly how the road defect caused your accident (including studying the history of previous accidents in that particular area) and who is liable for your injuries.

An experienced attorney will also help you file a claim before the statute of limitations expires (which is three years in New Hampshire). For more information on how we can assist you in your dangerous road accident case, contact our offices at (603) 614-5055 or on our free Injury Helpline at 1-888-511-1010.